PuroClean’s Caring Heart Program Spreading Christmas Cheer

Eager Retailers Greet Crowds Of Shoppers On "Black Friday"With winter coats bobbing up and down sidewalks and side streets, and twinkling lights being carefully placed on treetops and rooftops, it’s safe to say that it’s that time of year again.  Bargain shoppers are carefully calculating when to head out into the night to elbow their way through the masses of people scrambling to get the items on their lists, bundles of ads boasting the best sales and newest items are being crammed into our mailboxes– and piled on our doorsteps–, and an endless circulation of commercials will dance in front of our eyes reminding us of all the things we “need”. No doubt it is easy to forget the reason for the season with all the noise that comes from a materialistic society begging us to empty our wallets on the newest shiny objects presented to us. But let us not forget what Christmas is all about, what the holiday season is all about: being thankful for what have been given. So while door busters are filling their carts and emptying their wallets, what better way is there to be thankful for all that we have than to give back to others, to those less fortunate?

Last year, PuroClean’s Caring Heart Program made Christmas for one family possible. By funding a families Christmas day, they brought huge smiles to the children’s faces and made memories that will last a lifetime. This year, we have the same goal in mind but

PuroClean's Chrismtas Fundraiser 2013

PuroClean’s Caring Heart Program Christmas Fundraiser 2013, Captured: Kelli Smith, Menan Assefa, and Kelley Freeman

instead of focusing on just one family, we want to raise money for organizations that are near and dear to our hearts. PuroClean’s Caring Heart Program has set up a fundraising website where you can donate to help us raise money for organizations like CASA and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We encourage you to visit our page (click the link below) and make a donation today to help change lives for the better!


casaCASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocates, “is a network of 951 community-based programs that recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in courtrooms and communities.” (casaforchildren.org)

All funds raised that are donated to CASA help them properly train their volunteers to ensure the safety and rights of each child they work with.

If you would like to contribute and are unable to make a donation,  click on the link and you can share our fundraising page on your Facebook or Twitter account!

Olivia Forrester, Main Site Author/ Social Media Coordinator

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